This is the story of Pam and John; she in her early 50’s and John is 62. Pam is a college professor. John taught at a local community college until diagnosed with Parkinson’s in March 2008, then Lewy Body Dementia in April.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I had a very sore back Monday and Tuesday from preparing a garden and planting a tree Sunday, but I am much relieved it is much better today.

The roofer came today and did a minor fix that he thinks will stop the leak in our current house.

The plumber pushed down the tree that wouldn't fall and the two dead trees next to it with his backhoe and didn't charge me anything. Another subcontractor said the plumber just wanted to play with his toy.

The refrigerator that seemed not to be working did eventually get cold (it took more than 24 hours). I was too efficient and ended up paying for a service call for a repair person to tell me I should wait longer, but it is still good news.

The renovations on the house we will move to are beginning to get to the last stages. The painting isn't all the way finished yet but most of the plumbing fixtures were put in today and the appliances come tomorrow. The big thing still to be done is laminate floors on the lower level and sanding and polyurethaning hardwood floors on the main level and in the attic (where more oak flooring needs to be added in the new dormer area). The light fixtures should start to go in Friday or Monday.

The realtor says he is hoping to have an offer for us on our current house tomorrow. He doesn't know if it will be a good one, but if that did work out it would be a huge relief of stress. We had an offer earlier in the summer and agreed on a price but it was contingent on those people selling another house that has not sold.

Our kids are coming home for the long weekend and I have Monday off.

John told the therapist that he thinks the antidepressant (Wellbutrin) is helping him. I don't see much difference in his ability to get things done, but he seems to be a little more engaged--now and then he does notice that I have feelings. He started going to a specialized hand therapist and his hand is finally getting better. It will be interesting to see whether he wants me to continue to put on his socks and shampoo his hair as his hand recovers. He doesn't seem to mind being dependent, while I wish he tried harder to do things for himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Pam, I checked the blog to see how things are going with the move, the house, and John. I hope all is well with you.