This is the story of Pam and John; she in her early 50’s and John is 62. Pam is a college professor. John taught at a local community college until diagnosed with Parkinson’s in March 2008, then Lewy Body Dementia in April.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Parents' weekend

Our son has spent four years at boarding school, and this year as a senior he has put all the pieces together and his teachers had wonderful things to say about him.

John wasn't ready at the time we had agreed we would leave on Friday--we got off half an hour late and missed our first teacher appointment (which we were able to reschedule). John did make an effort to do better Saturday--when we decided we needed to leave our hotel at 7:30 am he arranged for a wakeup call at 6. It really does take him that long, even without taking a shower. We did get off at 7:45 (which we had allowed for in saying 7:30) to get to the school for more teacher conferences.

I feel like John is not quite on target in that kind of social situation but not seriously so (and it never was a strong point of his). He doesn't go totally off topic but a good bit of what he says isn't really to the point.

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